Thomas the Turkey

Owning turkeys can be a rewarding and fun experience! Turkeys are typically raised for their meat, but they can also be kept for their eggs or as pets. We Took on two Bronze Turkeys from a friend two years ago. Our plan originally was to keep them as breeders but unfortunately our female turkey Gertrude couldn't successfully hatch her own babies. We were considering having them for Thanksgiving, but I didn't have the heart to eat something I had now named. After about a month of having them, I noticed the Male turkey Thomas was quite friendly, he would follow me around "strutting his stuff" By the end of the month I found myself spending my mornings doing the typical barn chores but now that included coffee time with Thomas! I can talk to this boy and hell respond by gobbling. He lets me pick him up and hug him as well as all of the kids that are here on the farm. Who would have known that turkeys can make great pets and have personalities that resemble a dog. 

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Hoof abcess care for giants 101

Woke up at 3 AM to My Belgian Alfonse Kicking the wall with his front foot - next morning dead lame (Was Sound the day  prior) Finally After 2.5 weeks of soaking, poulticing & wrapping the abscess finally blew out of his heel bulb . Continued soaking for 4 days until draining was done . Sound and comfortable again 👍🏼My farrier was very helpful 

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Fixing a pekin with a hurt leg

About 3 months ago I came home to a hurt Pekin duck - with what I assumed was a broken leg , unfortunately there is no avian vets In our area of Maine. I think he probably got underneath of one of the horses and got stepped on . After lots of researching I made a splint for him and changed his wrap daily with a anti inflammatory poultice daily for a month , by 4 weeks he was no longer favoring the leg . At 5 weeks I unsplinted him and sent him on his way , he dosent walk totally normal now but it is healed , sturdy and he can get around and live a happy duck life . As always if anyone needs duck advice please reach out to me directly ! 

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Spring is in the air 2023!

Someone recently asked me if I had any broody chickens this year , I said not currently . Who would have known that would jinx me for a whole new hatch for 2023 , we have two bantam x chickens cosmo who hid 18 + behind our air compressor and Clair who I willingly gave 4 eggs to hatch for the fun of it ! They are currently sitting on 20+ eggs between the two of them ! We also have numerous robins getting ready to hatch they're young aswell! Happy spring farmers 🤠#BlackBuckFarm

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